Campus Shuttle

We offer a campus shuttle that runs throughout the day along a set route, along with an on-demand shuttle service. To use either, you'll have to download and use the TripShot app.

The app will allow you to access the ETA of the bus to your pick-up stop as well as to your destination stop. It will also allow you to book on-demand service that will take you to additional stops both on campus, and off-campus.

  • TripShot


    TripShot is an app that will allow you to track and book campus shuttles.


Two ways to ride:

Boarding at the Door:

To view upcoming route services:

  1. Use the Routes Tile to select your Route
  2. Select your Ride Time and Stop
  3. Use the alarm icon to sign up for a Delayed Vehicle and Approacing Vehicle notifications
  4. Show your DU ID at boarding

On Demand Ride:

For the On-Demand service:

  1. Select the On Demand Tile
  2. Select where you would like to go
  3. Enter your drop-off location
  4. Tap Depart Now to change your request time up to 4 hours in advance
  5. Review your pickup/drop-off locations and the pickup/drop-off times
  6. Select Request Ride

Rider Guide

Download the PDF

DU Shuttle Route



Parking & Mobility Services